Stebin Samuel


Reflectivity is the property by which an object is able to reflect light or radiation. Optically speaking, it refers to the amount of light that is reflected from incident light…

Molar Absorptivity

Molar absorptivity is the measure of how well an object absorbs radiation that the object is in contact with. Molar absorptivity is integral to Beer-Lambert law which relates absorbance, absorptivity,…

Pipework Expansion Joints

Pipework expansion joints function as connectors in piping systems to help alleviate and dampen certain stresses. Typically they are a polymer that allows for expansion between the flanges of the…

Steel Stairs

Steel stairs see frequent deployment in modularized construction and structural skids. Allowing for easy movement through a process module or plant, steel stairs meet building codes to allow safe passage…


Desalters are crucial in the processing of crude oil. Typically, they are the first step in processing crude oil by removing salt and dissolving it into water. In this article,…

Pump Cavitation

In many piping systems, pumps are crucial to the proper operation of the system. In some cases, the intended flow characteristics are not met which causes operational issues. Among those…

Smart P&ID

Smart or Intelligent P&IDs are schematic drawings that show the connections and relationships of piping and instrumentation within a piping system. Working in conjunction with stored information such as design…